About Us

If you are one of those people in life who loves a character, in fact you are a character, BadBoysAndBadGirls.com is the dating site for people just like you. Whether you are the BadBoy/BadGirl looking for someone just like you or you are someone who has a taste for something a little different and you are looking for that bad type, you have come to the right place.

BadBoysAndBadGirls have a presence. You know when they are in the room. They are fun. Wild. Loud. A little crazy (in a good way) with an over-the-top, Type A personality and a take-no-prisoners approach to life. They have fire and know how to live life spontaneously on-the-edge. BadBoysAndBadGirls are brash and bold. Raw and real. Spicy and naughty. This is the site where bad and love come crashing together and when they do, anything can happen.